What does Islam really bring which makes even presidents and countries afraid to the ears! OK, terrorists can make anybody afraid of course even me! But now who has turned into the bigger "Terrorist" himself! Its the Media and the Governments of today along with their secret services and special spying networks. Who should I be more afraid of now? The Terrorist network or the Government Agencies who are attacking my way of life through Media and Government strategies? Who is attacking whom now? Who is attacking my religion? Who is attacking my privacy? Who is discriminating us now? Who feels safer now? What are you afraid off? Me, or my religion? Or are you afraid of my way of life which is not the same as yours? Are you afraid of my opinions and way of thinking as well? Do you want to destroy me and for what I stand for? I accepted Islam as my religion under my own free will! Is this what the West is afraid is happening? That people start to have their own FREE will and are no longer under their influence. Why is it that so many westerners have embraced islam? Why doesnt anyone talk about that? Why doesnt the Western Media see that Islam is becoming an influence in the world and crosses borders into peoples hearts without force. Why is Islam spreading so fast? Why dont they talk about that? Does that mean Islam will be dominating peoples lives under their own FREE will. Because they accepted it, and were not forced! That is why the West with its Media machine is in such a hurry to show Islam as bad, and that muslims are bad. What will they say one day in the future when more and more of their people accept islam in droves...............will they say then that their own people are BAD. Islam is not bad, its only the people who are bad. Bad people are everywhere even among muslims. People make themselves bad, thats their own FREE choice. Islam doesnt propagate bad at all. Islam is against
alchohol..............why????. The majority of non-muslim countries
have to have alchohol, they cant live without it in their civilization.........so
its become a kind of drug..............they cant leave it out for their
peoples. How many people die because of alchohol? How many families
are broken up because of it? How many people have accidents due to it?
Can you imagine how much damage alchohol causes in one year in the whole
world for example? Its actually a catastrophy if you looked at the figures,
but who publishes that! So can you say a muslim is bad if he doesnt
believe in drinking alchohol! No you cant! Actually you should congratulate
a person who doesnt touch the stuff at all. Can you imagine a nation
living without alchohol? If such a nation lived like that, wouldnt you
call it a strong nation if the people can control themselves within
their own FREE will? OK, that was just a QUICK insight to make you realize
why maybe the West is attacking Islam and muslims due to its System......which
would end their system completely. Is this the real reason for their
fears. In Islam " Interest" in the Islamic System is also
forbidden..............can you imagine a land or Government having to
live without "Interest". This would destroy the heart of their
power and influence on the masses! This is the real threat for the West..TO
LOSE ITS UGLY SYSTEM AND INFLUENCE OVER the peoples as a whole. Dont
you see how this System is dominating so many peoples lives. The rich
would lose their powers in an Islamic System..............is this what
the POWERS at HIGH are afraid off?????? But such a System can only happen
when the people, the majority really want it..............................so
how can you say Islam is a threat when there is no force in religion.
When the people start to realize that, that is when they start to wake
up. Is this what the West is afraid off? Afraid that one day their people
will slowly become muslims due to their own FREE will! The West shouldn't
be afraid, because Islam cannot be forced on them and that is what they
are trying to say through the media.............in order to try and
STOP islam coming to their peoples hearts. I have a free mind, do you?
Are you afraid of my own FREE choice! Like all Military powers they have to work with "tactics". Tactics to destroy the so called enemy who is MAN himself. Man is always wanting to destroy, to kill, to rule and to have the ultimate power. Especially when he hates and is afraid of something what he doesnt know and what he doesnt want to know or understand. To understand another person, let alone a religion takes to much time for most people. That is why we have the very impatience of the USA wanting to wage war instead of peace. Who is the real enemy I wonder? America with its so called intelligence and intellect seems to be burying its head in the sand. Has the Eagle turned suddenly into an Ostrich? Maybe this is what the West is afraid off, afraid of losing its power over the masses who are seeing more what the others are doing. Its difficult for anyone to hide these days. Big brother is watching you with his ONE eye. As a kid I always thought the one with the ONE eye, is the Monster! I think its TV myself ! Some say the USA! So whats the power struggle today all about? Its about influence. Influence pays a great part in goverments and in peoples minds. You can influence people with money, or through television, through media which is a kind of brainwashing actually which most people dont even recognize is happening to them. Humans have become more clever technically and use and abuse these systems to influence whomever they can. The mass of TV, Radio, newspapers, Internet, magazines, and films plays an important part in the lives of a people who like to live in this physical world full of materialism. What is said in one part of the world can almost instantly be heard or seen anywhere else in the world. Even seeing is believing for the majority of citizens today. Words and pictures can be manipulated and used in todays media very easily so much so, that we think we can almost believe everything that we see and hear. This is especially easily done to the young people and much more easier to our children who are so often innocent of the evils of this world. PROTECT THE INNOCENT, PROTECT THE WEAK, PROTECT THE POOR, PROTECT THE ELDERLY, THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN, and because of that, you cant help being Muslim..................neither can I! THAT IS WHAT WE STAND FOR, WE ARE MUSLIMS...........SO WHY DO YOU HATE US AND WANT TO DESTROY US? Are you really so afraid of us???????????????????????
Thoughts from one European Muslim who embraced Islam in 1974, and remember there are many more embracing Islam daily,weekly, monthly.......so why arent they afraid of Islam? | ||
Written Thursday the 16.January 2003 in Germany / Europe! | ||